Sports Fans: Help is here
I help you deal with the stress of the game, the pain of defeat and even the loss of sports in a pandemic.
There once was a sports writer ...

I help Sports Widows cope

I help Youth Sports Parents relate
I celebrate Sports Fans

We can debate my Hall ballot

My book is in the Hall

Free session: Take a shot at a new course

I help Sports WidowERS, as well

I help Youth Sports Parents simplify

Oh, what I did for multimedia

Some interviews were a ball

Sports Fans: Ease your pain

I help Sports Widow(er)s deal with this

I help Youth Sports Parents breathe

My movie role: Fantasy to reality

I help stressed-out Sports Fans

My card, for you and your group

I help Sports Fans deal with anger

Sports Widows: A new focus

Coach Dad: What about the parents?

My NFL Draft class

Jimmy Fallon? Or me?

Fans feel loss of sports to Covid-19

Sports Widow(er)s: Game on

I help Soccer Moms and Dads

Let's talk Pete Rose
Do you believe in testimonials? Yes!

The price of being a Sports Fan

Is watching together always good?

Youth Sports Parents: Enjoy

If you book it, I will come
My name is Mike Bass. I am a Sports Fan Coach.
Everyone else in sports has coaches. Head coaches. Assistant coaches. Position coaches. Performance coaches. Mental-skills coaches. Why not you?
Finally, you have an advocate who gets you … who was in the stands with you … who was in the locker room and press box trying to inform you … and who now is trained to be a coach. Your coach.
I have interviewed some of the greats in sports. Now I get to hear your story, to help you design a game plan to break through what blocks you and enhance the fun in being a fan.
How do I help Sports Fans, Sports Widow(er)s and Youth Sports Parents? It starts with you.
About Me
I was a sports writer and editor who covered some of the biggest players and stories. So how did I become a coach?
Youth Sports Parents
I help you make healthy choices that best support your values, your kids and yourself, no matter how they play.
Sports Fans
You care so much about your team, you wear it on your wardrobe. You just wish you could ease the stress. Now you can.
I have spoken to local organizations and on national TV. Here are some ways I can help your group or media outlet.
Sports Widow(er)s
I help you understand and navigate the sports fan in your life by taking control of more than just the remote.
“I would not be at ESPN if Mike hadn’t challenged me day in and day out to be the best I could be.”
Blog: I write for and about you in The Coach’s Box. Check out my weekly Sports Fan Coach column — which also runs in the Cincinnati Enquirer — with more to come. Enjoy the view.
Get a free introductory session
Let’s talk. Reach out for a free session, and we can discuss what has you feeling stressed or stuck and how I can help. You don’t have to be a pro golfer with the yips, a quarterback with happy feet or a goalie with pregame jitters to build your confidence with a coach. The right game plan can help you stay sane when your team throws a screen on third-and-20, your kid whiffs on another high pitch or your spouse doesn’t understand the time commitment. Email me at, and we can arrange a 45-minute phone call to explore what coaching can do for you. I look forward to hearing from you.